Note: Click on the pic above for a cultural comparison of the Western and Eastern cultures.As Americans we have a difficult time properly evaluating other cultures. We for some reason are under the misguided belief that all developing countries wish to emulate us, because they wear clothes, listen to our music or watch our movies. This could not be further from the truth. In of the most important values that exist in developing countries is their unique identity, that is way many immigrants and descents of immigrants celebrate their national heritage, St. Patty’s Day and Cinco De Mao are to examples. China, despite what we may wish to think neither China nor its citizens wish to become a clone of America, and until except this we will continue to misunderstand their action.
One of the major differences between China and the U.S. is China’s ability for long term planning. In America long term plans are for 5 years this is partially due to our political system, which prevents us from setting any goals past the current administration, and because we are a very short sighted reactionary, who also compounds the problem with politicians who are always trying to please our ever changing and always growing list of wants. China on the other hand is an old culture, who has been through many governments in their 4,000 year history, but they have remained one common loosely related people. One of the benefits to being an old culture is your ability to see past your current generation. In addition to the history of China their political systems is not set in a constant state of flux which allows for them to set long range plans into motion and to follow through to their completion.
China understand that in this next century as nations grow resources, food, mineral, energy and water, will be in higher demand as we all collectively attempt to increase our standard of living. China understands that it needs to secure the resources necessary to continue its indoctrination and secure the resources necessary to maintain their manufacturing, and specifically raw materials required for the production of high tech goods such as cell phones and computers.
Following the cold war American has found it difficult to justify purchases of $200 million air superiority fighters (187) and $14 billion aircraft carriers (11) which are need to prop up our military industrial base, so in the absence of the Soviet Union our politicians and industry leaders have led us to believe that China is our next great enemy. I believe that this is not the case. I believe that China is establishing a military force with the sole intention of protecting its investments abroad as well as maintaining sea lanes to facilitate the deliver for their manufactured goods.