Control Resources 5
Protect Resources 5
Secure Transportation 5
China’s New Navy
Over the next few years China will be introducing it new Navy to the world it will include potentially (1) refurbished Soviet Aircraft Carrier and (2) new indigenous aircraft carriers, up to (6) new nuclear attack submarines and (1) new nuclear ballistic missile submarine. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/People)
Control Resources 5
Protect Resources 5
Secure Transportation 5
China’s New Navy
Over the next few years China will be introducing it new Navy to the world it will include potentially (1) refurbished Soviet Aircraft Carrier and (2) new indigenous aircraft carriers, up to (6) new nuclear attack submarines and (1) new nuclear ballistic missile submarine. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/People)

Now all of the mainstream media throughout the world would lead you to believe that this force is being built to confront or offset the American Navy. I tend to believe the construction of these warships is meant to do one thing; secure the supply of resources to China in the coming century. See map above!
After all the US Navy already has (11) super carriers and (11) amphibious carriers and (45) nuclear attack submarines.

China's Military is outclassed by the US: http://www.china-defense-mashup.com/?p=5581
As mentioned in earlier post China has substantial investments around the globe which they are intent on protecting. These resources will help them maintain their industrialization well into the next century as well as bolster their manufacturing superiority.
An example of the mission that will be preformed by their new navy can be found here: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/12/18/world/africa/18iht-pirates.1.18782636.html
After all China must protect its sea lanes so that it domestically produced goods and international secured resources can be safely transported around the globe.

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